Remembering pictures
This memory game is a fun way to improve your child's memory, which is important for learning at school. If you have a memo game at home, select 10 different picture cards from it. Alternatively, have the child create their own cards by drawing animals or everyday objects on 5 cm x 5 cm cardboard squares. Drawing improves imagination as the child tries to draw things on paper from memory. For this memory game, start by choosing one picture, such as a rooster. Show the child the card with the rooster and ask them to memorize the word ›rooster‹ by repeating the word in different tones: loudly, quietly, in a robotic voice, or singing. If you speak another language at home, also repeat the word in that language, like ›kohoutek‹ in Czech or ›gallo‹ in Spanish. Repeating the word improves memory and expands the child's language skills. Then the child closes their eyes and you place all 10 cards face down in a stack. On your signal, the child opens their eyes and you say: »Turn over the cards one by one and say your memory word when you see it.« The child flips over the cards one at a time and names the correct picture. In the next round, choose two cards and the child tries to remember both words. As the child successfully recalls two pictures, add another one in subsequent rounds. Help your child to remember the words with small clues such as a characteristic of the animal. The game is over when your child can no longer remember the words. In all playful activities, the focus is on the experiences that children gain while playing and not on performance. The joy of playing together and overcoming challenges awakens the curiosity to discover new things.