Less stress in family life
Life with children is colorful, loud, and full of surprises. There is laughter, arguing, cuddling, and playing. Sometimes there are tears and dawdling, and every now and then, doors slam. Children often challenge us, especially during developmental phases or when they simply have a strong temperament. For us as parents, this means constantly adapting to our child and their growth. However, most of the stress doesn't come from the child but from the many tasks in our daily lives, such as work, household chores, cooking, cleaning, shopping, appointments, and visits. A relaxing afternoon can quickly turn into impatience and frustration. The dentist appointment is approaching, but just before leaving, the kids are still playing and dawdling. Their teeth haven't been brushed, and their favorite toy has suddenly disappeared. The clock is ticking, and patience is running out. »We're going to be late for the dentist because you were dawdling.« Sentences like this slip out when our nerves are frayed, and we react with reproach. But if we repeatedly blame children for dawdling, it can trigger inner anxiety. Over time, it becomes harder for them to stay focused on their play and to engage patiently and attentively with their own ideas. However, it is not the child who creates the time pressure. Punctuality is the parents' responsibility, not the child's. Therefore, prepare your child for upcoming appointments in advance. Clear announcements like »We’ll brush our teeth in fifteen minutes«, supported by an egg timer, hourglass, or by pointing to the clock, can help. Make sure to consistently follow through with your announcements. Avoid vague phrases like »You can play a little longer, but then we have to brush our teeth«, as they don't give the child clear guidance. Once the announced time is up, it will be easier for the child to finish their activity. Get your child actively involved in the preparation process. Let them pack their favorite toy to take along in a small backpack. This helps children feel involved and makes the process easier for everyone.