Early mathematical skills icon
Two letter cards.

Letter puzzle

Some children show a great interest in letters even before they start school. With a letter puzzle, they learn to recognize letter shapes in a playful way. To do this, use cardboard cards measuring 5 cm x 5 cm and write capital letters on them. To avoid overwhelming the child, select only a few letters of the alphabet at first. Start with the letters in your child’s name to simultaneously promote skills in writing their own name. Cut the cards diagonally and straight across to create various puzzle pieces. These different cuts increase the level of difficulty and encourage visual perception. Children must look closely to recognize the correct pieces and put them together. The child then assembles the mixed puzzle pieces to form the individual letters.

M for Melon

Encourage your child to find words that begin with these letters, such as ›M for melon‹, ›A for apple‹ or ›L for lamp‹. Praise your child for every word they find. Ensure that you pronounce letters such as ›M‹, ›N‹ or ›L‹ as the sounds [m], [n] or [l], not as [em], [en] or [el]. This approach helps your child learn the correct pronunciation of sounds, which will be used later in their initial lessons. By promoting playful activities like recognizing and matching sounds to letters, you actively support the development of your child's phonological awareness, a key skill for acquiring written language and early reading.

A little daughter hugs her mother against a pink background.

Shaping the future together

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