Color search game
The game »I spy with my little eye« brings children a lot of joy and helps them improve their visual perception while playfully learning colors. Confidently identifying the colors red, yellow, blue, green, and brown can help your child transition into school more easily. For example, after dinner, take a few minutes with your child before clearing the table. Secretly choose an object or a piece of food in the kitchen, such as a yellow plate, and say: »I spy with my little eye something yellow.« Alternatively, you could say: »I spy something, and it’s yellow.« The child tries to guess the yellow plate by naming all the yellow objects they can see in the kitchen. Once the child has guessed the yellow plate, they can choose a colored object for you to guess. This game can also be played using other characteristics, such as: »I spy with my little eye something wooden and square.« It helps expand your child’s vocabulary and can be played not only indoors but also outdoors. Give it a try and have fun playing this search game together!