Safety and trust
Give your child security and trust by remaining firm, even if your child challenges you.
Respectful interaction
Avoid making derogatory comments to your child in the presence of other people.
Appreciate your child's efforts, regardless of the outcome.
Show patience
Be patient. Children develop at their own pace and in their own way.
Positive communication
Constant scolding and criticizing leads to children no longer listening. Respectful interaction is the basis for positive communication.
Listen attentively
Listen attentively to your child and answer their questions. This teaches your child to be curious and to question things.
Admit mistakes
Admit mistakes and ask your child to forgive you. This shows that nobody is perfect and mistakes are part of life.
Joint activities
Take time regularly to do joint activities together, such as going for a walk, playing a game or reading a story aloud.
Routine and structure
Children feel more comfortable with a daily routine and structure. It gives them security and they know what's coming next.
Sincerity and honesty
Always be honest with your child, even if it's not always easy. This will show them how important honesty and trust are.
Empathy and understanding
Try to put yourself in your child's shoes and understand how they feel. Show compassion and understanding.
Dealing with emotions
Teach your child how to deal with their emotions in a healthy way. Through your role model, they will learn to recognize feelings and deal with them appropriately.
Be a role model
Children learn by imitation. Therefore, be a good role model and pay attention to how you act and react.
Strengthen self-confidence
Give your child the space to make their own decisions. This strengthens self-confidence and promotes independence.
Friendly interaction
Spend quality time together. Shared activities promote a strong bond with your child.
Explaining rules and boundaries
Rules and boundaries offer children security, structure and orientation and help them to find their way in everyday life. Explain to your child why these rules and boundaries are important.