digital minimalism
Young woman with black hair on a yellow background.

More togetherness through digital minimalism

A quick glance at your smartphone, and suddenly twenty minutes have passed. Does that sound familiar? In today's digital world, the smartphone is a constant companion for many people. Most take it with them everywhere as soon as they leave the house. The first phone calls start early in the morning, we scroll through messages at the bus stop, and on the way to kindergarten, a parent quickly answers a question in a group chat. At the doctor's office, during a work break, or at lunch with friends, the same picture appears everywhere, and at home, it often just continues. We lose ourselves in a flood of content, post photos, read messages, and check emails. Screen time quickly adds up to more than two hours a day. Yet we rarely question this behavior. Instead, many parents complain about stress and lack of time. They feel overwhelmed as they try to balance work, household, and family every day. The constant sensory overload from digital devices further reinforces this feeling. Digital minimalism offers a way out of this flood of information. It's not about giving up the smartphone, because that's hardly realistic today. Rather, it means putting the screen aside when playing with our children, not answering messages immediately, or scheduling fixed times in everyday life without digital distractions. Less smartphone use gives us the opportunity to reflect in peace on the challenges of everyday life and to make the day less stressful for ourselves and our family.
Asian woman and child sitting on the floor and looking at a mobile phone.
A woman holds an hourglass with red sand against a yellow background.

Personal experiences with smartphone use

How much time do we spend on our smartphones each day, and how does it affect our daily lives? Parents, children, and teenagers share how they handle digital media themselves and what they observe in their surroundings.
Thoughtful African American woman with curly hair holding her phone.
Class trip without cell phones
During a class trip in 7th grade, the teachers collected all the cell phones. Almost all of my classmates were upset, and some even cried. But afterward, everyone agreed that it was fine without a screen and that they still had a great time together.
Smartphone instead of school?
Many of my colleagues are frustrated that their children spend the entire afternoon and evening on their phones, constantly sending voice messages or playing games. They show little interest in school or other activities.
No one talks
Hardly anyone speaks on the bus when I ride home from school because everyone is just busy with their phones or listening to music. I actually wanted to listen to music too, but my mom convinced me to look out the window and relax instead.
Sofa and phone
As soon as my 14-year-old son gets home from school, he’s already lying on the sofa with his phone and a bag of chips. He has no motivation for other activities. For a while, he played volleyball, but he’s not interested in it anymore.
No posts
My husband and I only use our phone to be reachable for our children. We take care of emails, messages, and current information in the evening on our laptop. Posting photos on social media is not an option for us, nor for our children.
Concentration without distraction
I started programming at the age of 12 and quickly realized that these tasks require full concentration. Incoming messages and phone calls disrupt my train of thought. That’s why, during school, my classmates could only reach me in the evenings between 6 and 7 p.m. if they had questions about their schoolwork. Otherwise, my smartphone remained in flight mode. My family also made sure not to disturb me at certain times. I have kept this habit throughout my studies. A simple text message is enough, and I call back later.
Young man in a red shirt looks thoughtful.

Is our phone a slot machine?

Every time we look at our smartphone, we hope for the next reward just like at a slot machine. Did my post get a like? Is there a new message? Digital platforms deliberately use techniques to keep pulling us back to the screen and holding our attention for as long as possible.

Why we are constantly glued to our cell phones?

What makes us reach for our smartphones again and again, even when we don't actually have time or aren't looking for anything in particular? The new technologies that have developed rapidly in recent years tempt us to use them far more often than is good for us or seems reasonable. One of the main reasons for this is the intentionally designed nature of digital platforms. Apps and websites not only offer content, but are also designed to hold our attention for as long as possible. Striking notifications like flashing symbols immediately draw our eyes and signal that something new is waiting. The color red has a particularly stimulating effect, triggering the urge to react instantly. Endless scrolling or swiping also keeps us hooked in because we’re eager to see what comes next. Is there a new message? Have I received a Like for my post? Is there a new exciting post in my feed? Has someone replied to my comment? Even when much of the content isn’t interesting, we keep scrolling, slipping unnoticed into an endless cycle of scrolling, swiping and clicking. Mechanisms like those found in slot machines ensure that we keep hoping for a surprise or reward. If we receive positive feedback for our comment, we feel pleased. However, if we don't receive any feedback, the internal pressure increases, pulling our gaze back to the phone. This creates a cycle of expectation and disappointment. In the end, an hour slips by, and we’re still staring at the screen instead of putting the phone down and focusing on something else. That's why smartphones are taking up more and more space in our daily lives. For many, it's the first thing in the morning and the last thing at night. We often pick it up out of boredom or habit, without a specific goal in mind. And that's exactly what apps and websites are designed for: Once you start scrolling or swiping, you often stay engaged longer than intended.  Ultimately, it is about developing a personal strategy to use digital technologies intentionally and not be steered by them.
Little Asian girl looks sad while her parents are busy with their phones.

What parental cell phone use means for children

Imagine you're out with a friend, but instead of talking to you, they are constantly looking at their cell phone. How does that make you feel? Ignored, annoyed, or maybe even frustrated? This is exactly how children feel when their parents are physically present but mentally more engaged with their phone. While the child is talking on the way to the playground, the parents only respond with an absent ›Mhm‹ because their eyes are glued to the screen. Or they keep interrupting the conversation to answer a message or quickly scroll through social media. What does it mean for children when their parents are repeatedly mentally absent? There are good reasons to put the phone aside for extended periods when around babies and young children. In the first years of life, a child's brain forms an exceptionally high number of neural connections. These develop through closeness, shared experiences, and regular communication with caregivers. Babies recognize through facial expressions, tone of voice, touch, and eye contact that their parents are paying attention to them, helping them feel secure. Toddlers and preschoolers explore their surroundings through play, language, and shared activities with their parents. In the process, they experience affection and security, which provide them with emotional safety. But when adults are often busy with their phones instead of focusing on their child, parental attention suffers. As a result, children become accustomed to problematic screen use from an early age, whether television, tablets, or later their own smartphone, as they primarily orient themselves towards their surroundings. Additionally, they often react with defiance, feeling that the smartphone is more important to their parents than they are. Thus, a generation is growing up that lives mainly in the digital world and struggles to build close interpersonal relationships. To change this, it is never too late to rethink your own media behavior. Even small steps can make a big difference: shared activities such as reading aloud or playing without digital distractions encourage mindful togetherness. Ultimately, we decide which path our family takes. Is the digital world replacing our everyday life, or are we showing our children what truly matters in life?
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